Announcements | Lus Tshajtawm
English Services and Hmong Services have RESUMED.
-EVERY FIRST Sunday of the month:
*ALL Sunday Schools begin at 9:00am
*Combined Service begins 10:30am
ALL OTHER Sundays:
-English Sunday School: 9am-10:15am
-English Service: 10:30am-1145am
-Hmong Service: 9am-10:15am
-Hmong Sunday School: 10:30am-11:45am
-Children’s Service: 9am-10:15am
-Children’s Sunday School: 10:30am-11:45am
Schedule of Services
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Sunday Service
Phase 5 - Reopening CAC
*ALL Sunday Schools begin at 9am
*Combined Service begins 10:30am
-English Sunday School: 9am-10:15am
-English Service: 10:30am-1145am
-Hmong Service: 9am-10:15am
-Hmong Sunday School: 10:30am-11:45am
-Children’s Service: 9am-10:15am
-Children’s Sunday School: 10:30am-11:45am
- Waiver Forms: Must be signed for the purpose of participating and protecting Community Alliance Church.
- Requirement: MASKS
*There will be accessible hand sanitizer, gloves, and masks for anyone participating.
- Station for Offering
Envelopes will be passed out when entering the church.
People will drop off their tithe envelopes on their way out after church dismissal.
- The nursery is OPEN.
- Church Expansion and Children’s Room open for Church Ministries.
*Church Events can resume.
*Clean and Disinfect afterwards.
Thawj Tsavxwm Lus ua Tsaug